Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quick thoughts on So You Think You Can Dance: Top 18

I had some technical difficulties with the screenies that I couldn't fix this morning so the full post will have to wait until this evening.

Quick thoughts:

Was Will's critique the worst slurp job ever by the Jidges?

Will they ever acknowledge that Twitch might have spent all of last year training in other styles?

Do you think Alex would have referrered to Susie as a (airquotes) "street dancer" if she didn't buy her clothes from the "Whore Shop"?

Chris should have challenged Nigel to a Dance-Off right then and there.

Nigel was so pervy last night he even gave a guy who accentuates female crotch shots the creeps.

Just in case the post doesn't make it tonight here's my bottom three:
Matt and Kourtni
Thayne and Chelsea
Will and Jessica (even though Comfort and Chris weren't as good)
I forgot about Susie Trampskirt and Marquis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paj you are so right about everything you say.

After this show I was so pissed I couldn't speak to anyone without pissing on them.

Yes the Will/Notgoodenough team up was good, it wasn't THAT GOOD! I could not believe what they were saying.

Then Twitch who had good upper body, but terrible footwork. but they raved about it!!! Mary should have ripped him in half because he was so bad but instead she just sat and cried.

Then finally there was Joshua and asian. You know how big a fan I am of him, but his piece was slow. It was not what Niegel was looking for, it was not entertaining. Joshua could have been much more "Joshua" and asian ... ok I guess we can't ask her to be any more asian. Anyways they were not that great but hey raved about'm!!

And who did they tear up? The tango was awesome, the thing with the bird dress where they guy was all jelloy was better then both J-asian and Twitchington.

I had to fast forward though most of the judges because that was NOT judging their abilities on dance, that was trying to manipulate the audience.

so mad, rite nao.