Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The White Castle substitute face off

For this episode of the Tortilla Chips and Milk podcast we do a live head to head review of what to grab when your going through a slider craving. It's microwaveable White Castle burgers vs. Burger King's Burger Shots in the mini burger showdown. So how will we roll when were 1500 miles from a White Caste? Listen and find out suckas! Yes, I still sound like a robot.


DrWan said...

Great podcast guys, it was like a good visit with old friends. Although Paj usually doesn't sound like a robot....

Pajo, if you need more mustard, let me know....they just give that shit away here...

I know that they violate many tenets of White Castle philosophy (24 hour availability, the ease of obtaining when completely blasted, the requirement of pre-planning etc...), but you didn't give the homemade Whitey's recipe a shot in the contest. I've never made them (I have 5 White Castles in a 10 mile radius), but I've had them a few times. They can be a pretty close substitute. They're perhaps even better a day later when re-heated.

If there were no Whitey's where I lived (though at this stage in my life I can't imagine why I'd ever more to such a horrid place) I'd spend some time perfecting that recipe....

Guys love the podcasts, Pajo you gotta figure out the robot voice...

J-Man said...

I couldn't understand what was going on most of the time.
But Paj singing the white castle song was pieloving HILARIOUS!

Jabenero doritos ftw!

Breadman said...

White Castle rules! Everything else sucks. Except no substitutes....Never (Skyline and ChiliTime are excluded). From a fan of the slider (plain, no cheese, but with pickles and onions...of course).

p.s. Paj, when are you going to do a podcast reviewing the classic film "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"?