Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tortilla Chips and Milk Podcast - The So You Think You Can Dance Recap

Paj and ERizzle are taking their So You Think You Can Dance recaps to another level. We're recapping this week's So You Think You Can Dance Top 16 performance show. (Note: I'll have a bunch of screenies from the show up soon-Paj)


Anonymous said...

The Singing in the Rain number made me sad because that movie is one of my favorites to watch with my mother. Is there a major difference between the film and the play however that might have influenced it? -- Lieran

J-Man said...

I missed watching both episodes live this week, but luckily I have tivo!

I did the proper thing of course and right after I finished wed's episode I listened to the TC&M official podcast.

I have to say you had some lulzy things going on. There is nothing like Paj's side of things to twist what should have been normal.

I feel that it is going to be the first two dances and the pase doble in the bottom 3, but my thoughts don't count because the show has already aired.

While listening to it I kept expecting you to go to the phone lines and take some calls.

So far so good on your podcasts, only three spots with dead air, you did good on keeping up the chatter.

Now I am off to watch thurs's episode!