Monday, August 13, 2012

The Olympic Flame is snuffed out - Superman style!

Would you believe that I had this post planned four years ago only to have to wait until the very last minute before I have to wait another four years to post this? In honor of a wonderful 2012 Summer Olympiad, Tortilla Chips and Milk presents to you my absolute favorite Olympic related movie scene brought to you by Douchebag Superman, not-quite-kryptonite, and my pal nicotine. Everything about this scene is perfection. From the pseudo-pageantry of the ghetto Olympics, to the gravity of the announcer's tone, to Superman waiting in the stadium lights...yup. Superdouche could have just snatched the torch miles away and thrown into the sun, but no he'd rather wait and pounce with his Ctrl button pushed. Like no one can see the blue and red tights up the lights yo! The idea of Superman sitting and waiting for anything is so perposterous that it's perfect here. He's just so casual in his olympic ruining dickery...and the look on the the torchbearers face!!!! Besides being funky fresh on the one, the Superman III olympic torch scene was the first time I ever lost my shit in the movie theater. Before Vincent got shot in the face, the American Pie trailer, Ben Stiller's zipper incident, Dirk Diggler singing "The Touch" the Superman scene was the grandaddy of me losing my shit. I laughed so hard for so long that my friends were embarrassed to be sitting with me and it spilled over the next five minutes of the movie and yes, some pee dribbled out, but not enough to make it through the second layer of my fruit of the loom dick flap. With next year's Superman reboot threatening to be angsty and filmed through grit covered digital vision, I'm holding on to this Superman, unless he can manage to be an even bigger tool.

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