Thursday, July 03, 2008

Quick thoughts: So You Think You Can Dance Top 14

My computer is being emo tonight so I only got halfway through my long-ass recap before I realized I'm not getting it done tonight. It was a really bad idea to have 14 f'n dance routines on the show. All the routines seemed like they could have used a little more attention. Instead dancers like Kourtni and Gev were focusing on just getting their steps right.

The sloppy routines along with Nigel trying oh-so hard to be the star of the show made this really tough to watch at times. The show did have some highlights though.

Kherington - Found a mad face in her Paso Doble which turned her immediately from annoying to "Dayum!" in a split second. I thought she was pretty good in the bed routine as well.

Mia Michaels - Both her routines were really good. Katee and Joshua's routine had so many really cool partner work. Twitchington's Bed dance was one of my favorites this season.

Mark and Chelsea- They weren't given the most crowd pleasing routines with Mandy Moore's jazz and the fox trot. Stil they are my couple to beat.

Courtney's hip-hop: She looked right at home being a Knicks City Dancer and all. This is why she's hot, yo!

The Bad:

Katee's hair: You know that one hairstyle which makes Gwen Stefani look like an asshole? Yeah, they gave Katee the pompadour mohawk look.

Eli Manning Jerseys - Courtney and Gev wore these during their hip hop routine. Eli Manning = hip-hop in BIZZAROWORLD

Jessica's critiques: Yes, Jidges, Will could have healed the sick with his dance if Jessica hadn't been on stage with him. She is the Charlie Brown of this competition.

Kourtni's hip hop: Joins the hall of shame for worst performance along with Cedric crying in a corner and fat Allen going off to war.

The Schwimmer's return: Both of them...I almost chucked my remote through the TV.

Nigel: His hip-hop critique saying Courtney wasn't ghetto enough to dance hip-hop. Um she's a Knicks City Dancer, hip-hop is kinda part of what she does kinda ALL THE TIME.

Bottom Three:
Courtney and Gev
Thayne and Comfort
Kourtni and Matt


Kourtni and Matt


Anonymous said...


Sorry the bit about healing the sick needs to go down in TC&M's Plaque of Well Written Statements.

This season is really annoying for me. First off I can't suppor Twitch as much as I did Hok, even though I want to, because of some rabit judge fanism. Which leaves me to be a fan of Joshua and asian, who I like, but aren't nearly as good as Will by himself.

I wasn't as mad this time around at Nigeil as you were Paj. I felt he kept it real. He doesn't get branded "Keep it Real Richard" but he at least critiqued, unlike last episode where it was blantent favoratism. Does he think america is really this shallow?

I did enjoy the bed routine, I really enjoyed Joshua's contemporary, but his west coast swing was ok.

I'll hold the rest of my comments for the full post.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you guys know that The Knicks are letting fans pick the newest member of the City Dancers which is pretty cool. My pick is for Jen, personally. You can see videos of the top 3 finalists and vote for your fave right here: .. pretty cool huh