Monday, August 20, 2007

Michael Vick: Tragedy!

Well, it looks like Michael Vick is going to be headed for the hoosegow soon. He's agreed to plead guilty to federal charges stemming from a dogfighting ring.

Thing looked bleak for Vick once his co-defendants all slowly decided to accept plea bargains which would also include testimony implicating Vick's involvement Bad Newz Kennels. (Yeah, I thought it was strange too that they would use a "Z" in news but not in kennels.) So with three of his buddies lined up to snitch, it was just a matter of time before Vick caved.

Okay, to lose fame, a 130 million dollar contract, and tens of millions a year in endorsements, is one thing. To lose it all to crime as low on the "menace to society" totem pole as dogfighting is another. To lose everything in such a manner, because your childhood buddies turned on you, is a tragedy.

The tragedy lies here: Either Michael Vick is the dumbest "kingpin" ever or he's the biggest prick that ever lived. The argument for Vick being the dumbest criminal starts and ends with this. He had a 130 million contract, 22 million which was in an upfront signing bonus. He chose to do illegal shit, which happens, but there's a reason you don't see multi-millionaires going to jail all the time. It's called "Yo, shut the fuck up!" money. Do you think three people named "Q", "P-Funk", and "T" would have flipped on him so quickly if they knew they'd have a million or two waiting for them when they got outside? I mean shit! Doesn't he know how mulit-millionaire criminals roll?

Okay, so what if he did have some "Yo, shut the fuck up!" money? How big of an asshole do you have to be for three of your homeboys to say "Naw man fuck that money, he was always a punk ass." I mean, I'm a pretty much a jerk to my friends, but if I slipped them a hundy they wouldn't say shit about that copy of Spiderman 3, er hypothetically, of course. Vick should have been worth millions to those guys and they still snitched. For that to happen, Vick might be the ultimate codpiece.


DrWan said...

Spiderman 3 Rules!!!!

Well...the hotdog does atleast.

Anonymous said...

So now Vick wont be dancing down the street pointing at the ladies?

I was hoping for a reprise of the air hump in all black.