Thursday, April 27, 2006

Songs you should know - Who's Got the Crack?

Three things about the Moldy Peaches.

One, I can remember first hearing about them when my buddy saw them open for the Strokes. He told me it was a guy and a girl duo and the girl performed in a rabbit costume. Without hearing a note I was intrigued.

Two, I actually purchased the album in Boston at the Virgin Recods Megastore. I remember it was an awesome day, even though it was also the day that I discovered that this cool song I had been hearing in hip stores all weekend long was actually “Toxic” by Britney Spears.

Three, the shity-ass local music/culture critic used the Moldy Peaches as a counter-point to another boy-girl duo who was starting at the time, The White Stripes. First of all it's not even fair to compare them and if you do they derivative of two different aspects of punk music that it doesn’t even make sense to compare/contrast them. This guy also predicted bigger things for the Peaches. What a toolbox.

The Moldy Peaches
Who’s Got the Crack


Anonymous said...

The base player had spiderman pajamas on. I have to say, the Peaches burned hot and burned out too fast. Their solo projects were worse than forgetable.

Doug Gilbert
Music Snob

Paj said...'s been nagging at me did they open for the Strokes or BRMC? Talk about another group who flamed out quick...