Monday, April 24, 2006

Grey's Anatomy -Clip Show thoughts

Grey's Anatomy- Clip Show (Damage Control)

Let me start off by saying, yes, I know this is a total chick show. I ignored the first season and didn't catch on to the show until a friend turned me on to it. The first hook for me was that this show stars Patrick Dempsey, better known to me as Ronald Miller from "Can't Buy Me Love" one of my favorite teen-movies of all time. This is the movie that had the great African Ant-Eater Ritual dance and Malachi from "Children of the Corn" slamming Ronald Miller against an arcade game yelling out "You shit on my house!!!" Anyway, he may be McDreamy to y'all but he'll always be Dr. Houseshitter to me. Throw in the hot chick from "My Father, Gerard Depardieu" and Roswell as Izzie Stevens, and Christina Yang, who was Rita Wu from Arli$$ and "Sideways" and I'll at least watch.

So for now, I'm hooked and not because of the Merde-Houseshitter storyline. Frankly, those are the two characters I care about the least. Merde is a whiny, self-absorbed, self-pitying, selfish, waif. Houseshitter is emotionally manipulative, majorly passive-aggressive, and the type of guy who tries to come across as being sensitive when really he's a selfish jerk. Plus, he really did shit on Malachi's house and used Cindy Mancini's poem to try to get some. So yeah i have issues with that guy.

The supporting cast is what makes it for me. Even though Merde is the central figure , it's strongest episodes are really when the show is treated as an ensemble, since the supporting characters and the actors who play them are so strong. Of course, when the show is called "Grey's Anatomy" we can't have Meredith Grey become the target of loathing because who wants to watch a show where the lead character sucks.

So what do they do...they air a clip show where they they get to gloss over the character flaws of Merde and Houseshitter while they bring us up to date. The show itself reviews the episodes they've shown since Super Bowl Sunday. I have two main problems with they way they presented this.First, in the sequence where we have to relive the horrifying night George and Merde had "can you really call it that?" sex, in the aftermath, they show Meredith trapping George in the elevator to apologize and declare that she'll always there for him. Then later in the clip series we see George decide move out. Ummm okay, that's great right? Except THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED!!!!!

The apology came after the move out and it didn't happen until a full episode after George had moved out. Meredith avoided talking about it with George after they slept together and was such a B that George 's past disillusioned view of Mer, at the very least, caring about him was shattered and was enough to drive him out of the house. It wasn't until George showed Mer his figurative testicles and proved he wasn't going to be her doormat that she finally gathered the nerve to trap him in the elevator and apologized. They way they presented it with the apology first, then George leaving makes her look a great deal more like a sympathetic character than she was actually portrayed. SHENANIGANS!!!!

Second, okay up to this point we have Houseshitter, getting involved with Mer, hiding the fact he had a wife. Wife comes to Seattle, saying she has to know if the marriage can be salvaged. Houseshitter has to dump Mer after the "Pick Me, Choose me, Love Me" which he had to regardless on principal. He chooses to save the marriage and be with his he can pretty much have her move to Seattle and he can punisher up close and personal for her infidelity every hour of every day. So he chooses his wife, but still wants to sniff around Mer, even though she ain't havin' it. He keeps pushing it and promises that he wants to be Mer's friend. What a great guy right? Well, of course they skip around most of the longing looks he's given her ever since he decided to be married again. They also skip the scene where his triflin ass decides that he might wanna try to kiss her the first time he gets her hyperventilating in the closet. If you relied on the clip show alone to catch you up, you'd think that his affection for Mere was more on a subconscious level rather than the very aware, deliberate, level we've actually seen. After all, we can't have our McDreamy be the type of guy who shits on his friend's houses now can we?

I will admit I'm curious to see how the Izzy-Denny thing is gonna play out. I like George's reluctant courtship of Dr. Husky. I love Alex, Wang, and Dr. Burke and the backstory of the Chief and Mere's Mom sucks me in as well..and Bailey just rocks! I'll have a review of next week's episode...I just figured I'd warm up a bit


Anonymous said...

I <3 Grey's Anatomy...Don't make so much fun of Meredith though shes sweet.. Can't wait till Nip/Tuck!!

Paj said...

everything I do is on purpose

Anonymous said...

Why the hate??? Meredith can't help it.. shes got McDreamy eys... *sigh* Hes so Dreamy... mmmm