Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grey's Anatomy Damage Case Part 2

Okay, so I picked a good spot to break the recap because things get oh so serious from here. George has to explain to Mamma and Dadduh that Lurlene's body was pumping so much adrenaline when she came in that it disguised her injuries. We cut to a shot of every cast member involved in the surgery. Lurlene's injuries are to the extent that they have to go into "Damage Control" mode to prevent doing any further damage. Cool, this show is actually about hospitaly stuff for a few scenes! Gripping stuff here!

We go back to Mer and Harold, whose haircut looks a lot like mine at the moment...just sayin'. Harold explains that he scrubbed in for 12 hour surgery to top off a 30 hr day. He fell asleep for a second behind the wheel. Mer sympathizes since they've all been there in between screwing their attending physicians. Harold comes to the conclusion that by helping save a life he may have cost Lurlene hers. I don't think I can handle it. Mer turns her back to argue with the CT tech and as if he hopped on the back of a cheetah, Harold is gone.

Next, we get an illustrated Izzy dictionary where she shows us the meaning of "Give him room" In Izzy world giving someone room consists of sitting on their hospital bed, force feeding him chocolate and presenting good old trashy tabloids. If there were snow on the ground this would be the perfect time for her to playfully throw a snowball just to cap off how quirky and whimsical she can be. Man, Izzy is lucky I watched Under Siege 2 today...I mean how could I be mean to Steven Segal's niece?

Anyway, Denny ain't having it. He's full of frustration and resentment right now and is majorly P.O'd that he's no longer the virile horse of a man that he once was. He wishes Izzy had just let him go. Many many viewers are nodding their heads right now.

Back to Lurlene's surgery they conclude that continuing to perform surgery will kill her, so the plan is to keep her open, wrap her in plastic, and put her in ICU where they hope she'll regain enough strength so they can continue to operate.

As McDreamy is finishing, he looks up to the gallery and sees I hope my hair doesn't look that big all the time. Maybe I should spring for more than Supercuts. Anyway, all it does to is provide McDreamy a bag of rocks that he can chuck at Mer the Ho.

McDreamy storms in into Harold's room and lays into Mer about letting Harold loose. Mer tries to justify it by saying he's a doctor. McDreamy explains that he should have to see the insides of a patient whose accident he's caused. McDreamy is right but he's being a real ass about it. He lets out the not so veiled "You've got to take responsibility for your actions for once in your life." He storms out into the hallway he takes breather by the chart table. Some music plays, I can't quite make it out, but I'll bet it's about a man who became a whiny bitch because he couldn't have his cake and mistress too.

Bailey is the one in charge of explaining to Mamma and Dadduh the balancing act of waiting to operate on Lurlene. Both Bailey and Addison are awesome. Addison wants Karev to stay on baby watch while she's in surgery. Karev bristles since that's what he does. Alex and Addison have really good on screen chemistry together.

The intern girls are gossiping about the times they've fallen asleep inappropriately, when George calls Izzy out on skipping her surgery with Dr. Husky. She explains she was with her BF so she she can act as unprofessional as she wants. She also throws in more "your new girlfriend walks around with pee pee hands" comments...Under Siege 2, Under Siege 2..okay better now.

George catches up with Dr. Husky and explains that Izzy had a patient. Dr. Husky is all "I knew you;d take her side. euheh" WTF?, now! Lurlene's husband Noah then tells his story where he does a cool Andrew McCarthy-esque "I Love her, man" (well close enough to it) and needs to be distracted since his wife may be dying. George does so by telling him that the doctor who just performed surgery on him may have done so with pee pee hands.

McDreamy checks out the CAT scan and tells Harold he's going to be fine. Harold insists that he needs to apologize to the family. McDreamy tells him to get some rest and then leaves. Mer follows him...oh man, here it comes...

M:"I never should have told you about George."
McD:"No, it's fine. I'm glad I know about him. And the vet. You really get around,"

Damn!!! Okay Mer kinda brought it on herself, but DAYUM!!! McDreamy just called his former mistress a HO!
M:"What did you just say to me?"
McD: "It's unforgivable, So was the knitting a phase? Who's next? Alex? 'Cuz I hear he likes to sleep around,You two have that in common,"

Oh my God!!! He just SHIT ON HER HOUSE!!!!! That did it. It's ON now.

Mer:"You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done, so all the boys, and all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I'm all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don't get to call me a whore."

These are words I never thought I'd ever type but, Way to go Meredith!!! McDreamy sits there totally owned and can only come back with.
"This thing with us is finished. It's over."

Really? Ya think so doctor? You mean it wasn't over when you chose your wife back in the Fall? Really, because that's what it usually means McWaffle! The only thing that could have made him look like a bigger asshat is if he did a dance with gestures to punctuate the " breaking up...with YOU" sentiment...actually, that would have been pretty cool now that I think about it. They repeat each others fords for a second and huff off in different directions. Mer has finally shown some sense to McDreamy, while McDreamy has finally shown his ass.

We come back and Mamma has a really great speech about how the doctors don't have to be all that careful about making decisions on whether or not to restart on Lurlene. The sad violins indicate it doesn't look good. There's still a chance to save the baby but Addison is in surgery. She tells Karev to do what he can.

Meredith goes to the room where the family is waiting and lets George know that Harold needs to apologize.

Karev comes back to find out Lurlene has crashed. Karev decides that he needs to do a C-Section on the fly. The baby doesn't look good coming out. Alex performs CPR with the same type of bulb dropper I use to rinse out my ears. Alex comes through and the baby lives. Lurlene, sadly does not.

George leads Dadduh to Harold's room. Dadduh still looks pissed as hell. Harold weepily apologizes. Dadduh puts his hand on the Harold's chest as a sign of forgiveness. He looks uncomfortable. I'm not sure if it has to do with the moment or that he's actually touching an Asian man.

Harold then proceeds to slobber all over the guy's hand. Powerful scene. George and Mer exchange glances.

Izzy goes to Denny's room and takes off her shoes and hops into bed with Denny. Denny says he's still not going to cheer up.

Cristina and Burke have dinner. Burke pouts behind a book while he eats. I wonder if he's reading the Kama Sutra?

Noah is playing with his baby as Karev watches on. Addison congratulates him on a job well done. Alex walks off while saying yeah the baby lives but without a mother. This scene is awesome because 1)Alex is still the Dr. of keeping it real 2) Learning lessons is for pussies 3) Alex and Addison are soooooo doing it soon.

In the locker room, George finally initiates conversation with Mer. I mean if Harold can be forgiven for killing Lurlene, then Mer can be forgiven for bawling while George had his pee pee inside her right?

George has to hear the "you have to stand up for me speech" from Dr. Husky. Seriously George, RUN!

Back at the Batcave Mer is hovering over Robin, the Vet Wonder while he's making his Batmeal. Mer starts to give him the you don't want to get involved with me speech. She says the scary and damaged may be too much for him. He jumps in with his mom died of cancer, his dad was a drunk because of it, his wife died in a car accident, and he hasn't been with anyone since. He leaves out the part about being taken in by a playboy millionaire and being trained to fight crime by his side. Anyway Robin doesn't even seem all that damaged and NONE of his damage comes from himself or the decisions that he's made. It's just fate has been kinda shitty to him. You can't possibly equate that with Mer and her newsstand of issues. Sigh. They kiss anyways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again a riviting well thought out blog. I was right there with you with all the action. But your hair ain't that bad...then again I have a tuff time seeing the hair with all the ugly.
"...and as if he hopped on the back of a cheetah, Harold was gone." Now thats just good writting :)