Thursday, May 25, 2006

So You Think You Can Recap?

No way am I gonna try to give the premiere of So You Think You Can Dance? the recap treatment...not until Las Vegas at least when we can see the contenders start to emerge. I really don't enjoy the cattle call episodes of ANY reality shows, this one included. Seriously, between the fakers who just want to get on TV, to the deluded, the some way or another challenged, to the just plain disturbed, there's a point where the exploitation gets to be too much for me to take. Still there were some highlights...

Like this dude who wanted his stage name to be "Sex"

The uh...what's the right term? Oh screw it, THIS GUY.

This guy takes the prize so far as the self deluded champeen!

We had the gender chameleon who performed to the Flashdance Theme.

Then we had the Orthodox Jew who threw himself face first into the floor.

Say hello to the girl who pulled her drawwwwws down.

Charleston SC, brought us the cute jailbait girl who perfomed the first of MANY (just you wait) "Look! Here's my va-jay-jay!" moves that we'll see this season. Hell, Melody rode that all the way to the finals.

Okay, so I did watch the whole thing and I thought the breaker with the Brasil jacket was awesome, the Asian popper was cool too. They are soooo gonna split up the Russian dancers and keep the chick. The Greek dancer who's "very good friend" flew her down on a private jet was worth keeping an eye on as well. Is it just me or is Dan Karaty totally the type of cheeseball to use "By the way, I'm a coreographer" as a pickup line?


Anonymous said...

Yeah--I haven't seen anybody who's a real standout for the finals yet, but I definitely approve of cutting the cattle call down to 2 days.

Also, what's up with having a cheering section in the back this year?

Anonymous said...

eh I didn't watch this one. But my brother said the popper blew his mind with how good he was.