Friday, December 15, 2006

Last Night's "The Office"

Bros before Hos...Why? Because your Bros are always there for you. They have got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason and you were nothing but great to your ho...and you told her that she was the only ho for you and she was better than all the other ho's in the world..and then then suddenly she's not yo mo!

Highlight's from last night's The Office:

There is nothing finer than Jenna Fischer and Rashida Jones sharing lots of screentime together.

Kevin sang the hell out of Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know"

I'm loving every bit of the Andy and Dwight rivalry.

Michael's inability to tell apart the Benihana waitresses to the point he had to mark the girls arm had me rolling!

Bearded Roy gets better every week.

Between The Office and The Wire are of such high quality they have pretty much ruined all other TV for me...well except for competitive reality shows. Maybe when I get more free time I'll pick up Top Chef. Until then back to the Holiday Gauntlet for Paj. THIR

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