Friday, July 28, 2006

The Rant- Miami Vice

annnnnnd WE'RE BACK!!!!

Okay the bad stuff first. There is no Crockett in this movie. I don't know what happened but Colin Farrell just didn't get the character. He's jittery and a teeny bit manic in some parts of the movie and that's not Crockett at all. Crockett had two settings ultra-cool and hothead which was more often than not prefaced by a "Listen, Pal!" Colin Farrell doesn't hit either of those two levels. In fact there is only one true Crockett moment in the entire movie and it comes near the end.

Jamie Foxx is too good an actor for the part of Rico Tubbs and it showed. His screen presence busted through all the limitations placed on him by past portrayals and he is just bigger than the role. I read a review that said neither of the two actors could hold a candle to the and utter bullshit. In Colin Farrell's case it's true but comparing Jamie Foxx to Philip Michael Thomas? PUH-LUH-FUCKING-LEESE. Two things that prove this point. Not once in the movie did I say to myself "Man, Tubbs sucks". Try that in ANY Miami Vice episode. There is at least one Tubbs sucks moment. If Tubbs is in it he'll suck at some point. Another thing Philipp Michael Thomas, other than Tubbs, is only known for one other thing , voicing over a Tubbs like character in Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Jamie Foxx could be reprising Wanda the Ugly Woman and still out act PMT.

The reason I have this as a negative is that it really does screw with the dynamic and it bugged me.

Castillo's death stare was replaced by the jowells of doom. Not necessarily bad but thank goodness the Lt. isn't a schmuck.

On the negative side, this movie is totally devoid of humour. I guess Miami is too cool for a few laughs in the oh-six.

The plot fell apart in the last 1/3, but you know that's what sequels are for.

The Good Stuff:

This plays like a big budget modern day movie length version of a Miami Vice episode. Nothing more, nothing less. From the very beginning after the first ten minutes or so you expect the scene to cut to the Jan Hammer theme music. In fact there are quite a few shoutouts to the original series in the plotline. I'm also pretty sure some locations are the same as some classic Miami Vice episodes. Really, it's all there, even the "I just met you, you're one of the bad guys, let's fall in love" subplot.

Visually the movie is amazing. From the angles, to the choice of camera work, to the
depictions of certain scenes, it's absolutley mesmerizing. That more than anything kept me engrossed.

The supporting characters are all there. Trudy gets most of the work. A skinny Gina gets the best line of the film, and there. Also perfect casting award for Herc from "The Wire" being cast as Switek.

I have a newfound appreciation for the original series, so I absolutely enjoyed this movie. I can't say how this will play out to those not familiar with with the original. If you hated the original...why are you even reading this?


Anonymous said...

I never watched Miami Vice, nope I am that guy.

so what shows did I watch as a kid? What movie remakes do I need to go see. If they were going to remake my childhood shows they would need to do a live action Transformers movie....oh wait.
Maybe a live action Ninja Turtles...already got 3 good ones, and we are getting a new CG one.

Hmmm I guess I was just born into the show > movie > DVD era

Anonymous said...

Hey Paj.. I havn't seen the movie yet but kinda like superman I hate to say but I think im gonna like it and I think I know why.. mm :P Anywho remember awhile back when I mentioned you need to Rant on some straight to dvd movies?? Well I need you to watch this one and then Rant on it b/c I was sorely disappointed and it would do nothing but make my day to see it torn apart. What is this movie? Basic Instinct 2. The bastards ....

Paj said...'ll like it because Colin Farell looks like Jeff Foxworthy?

Anonymous said...

Hey what can I say I am a girl from the south :P