Thursday, July 06, 2006

So You Think You Can Dance - E-Rizzle's Take

Since I have repeatedly admitted that I know nothing about dance, as a service to my beloved Tortilla Chips and Milk readers, I'm bringing aboard someone who can actually give a dancer's perspective. Here's my homegirl E-Rizzle, she claims to be my "nerdy dance friend", but I've seen her perform on stage, the girl's no joke, yo! Take it away E-Rizzle. Ballerinas Represent!

Okay, so here’s the deal:

First, disclaimer: I am being called E-Rizzle under duress, but it’s Paj’s blog so what can I do?

First off, Heidi and Ryan (aka Sh-dawn and Haquim)

Speaking as a washed up ballerina type who’s been screamed at to loosen up and get funky, these two are incredible. Maybe Dan Karaty needs to wash the gel out of his eyes. Oh, and I want Heidi’s abs.

Martha and Travis

I was so very excited when these two pulled Salsa from the hat—they’re awesome, and Salsa always opens the door for some great dancing. But as Paj would say, “Meh.” Big improvement, yes. Fabulous dancing, no. Ron took out most of the tough partner work so they could solo their way through the style, but the chemistry wasn’t there. Ack! I said chemistry! For once, I agree with crazy mary.

I would also say again they couldn't "coordinate"

Dmitry and Ashlee

Poor, poor Dmitry. First he gets Ashlee as a partner, then he has to do crazy story telling by Brian Friedman. Once upon a time, there were two crazy costumes and lots of flailing about. Wasn’t this routine in the Killers video? Ashlee was clearly exhausted halfway through and Dmitry’s usual skill in accenting the dynamics of a routine disintegrated into madly running around the stage. A lock for the bottom 3.

I take it you didn't vote for them 18 times then. Oh well...

Natalie and Musa

We begin with a nice, long shot of Musa’s arm in Natalie’s hoo-ha. Then on to the dancing. There were moments, and Musa’s attitude was fantastic. Unfortunately the whole thing looked restrained, and the transitions were very slow and cautious. Lucky for these two, the judges were watching a completely different performance from me, and they got rave reviews. Seriously, just because everyone wants to see these two sleep together, should they really win?


Benji and Donyelle

First, let me say that Benji should win just for having the guts to do that macho-practice scene with Dmitry. But he should also win for lifting Donyelle. I know, I know, she’s fabulous; but those were long, slow lifts and she is bigger than him. Regardless, they were classy and solid. They should definitely be safe. And somehow, Benji is becoming more and more attractive each week…

Oh wow, if anyone could resist the Benji-Donyelle Love Train, I thought it would be you. This is surprising.

Allison and Ivan

Ron predicts that these two will be one of the best this week. All I can say is, holy fringe pants! I actually had to rewind this one so I could focus on the dancing instead of the pants. Allison is great as always and Ivan should have worn another hat, but he lets Allison carry the dance and it works. That neck lift at the end was ridiculous.

Jessica and Jaymz

Eek. Hip-hop with props. Jaymz almost makes up for having a “Z” in his name with some pretty decent dancing. Jessica should be the next to go after Ashlee. The routine was kind of fun, and I’d love to see some other people doing it. Unfortunately, Jaymz receives some criticism and goes completely psycho at the end. He just earned back his “Z”.

Bottom 3:

Jessica and Jaymz

Ashlee and Dmitry

Martha and Travis


Jaymz and Ashlee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there E-Rizzle, you got moxy. I like the cut of your jib.
Not only to you make a crack about Dmitry and Ashlee's dancing, but then you make a "hoo-ha" joke.
pure comedy ;)