Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Return of the Fabulous JP's...sorta

Okay, one of the few things about my recent trip to Vegas that I can discuss, was the reunion of the Fabulous JP's. Now you long time Tortilla Chips and Milk readers might remember me discussing the Fabs here, here, here, and here. I'll give you a second to catch up...ready? Good. As you've figured out I am a longtime fan of the Fabs, so knowing I was going to be in the same city as Stan and Steve was gonna be a treat. Unfortunately, there was no reunion concert. However, I did get rough copy of their latest collaboration, "Where is my Harmonica?" which I have to share here on Tortilla Chips and Milk.

First some background information about the song. The Fabs, who are Stan, Steve, Big Money and Egg, cut their teeth playing a place called the Basement in central Kentucky. After their last show ever in this venue, one of the many "Fifth JPs" Dangerous D lost his harmonica and went on a drunken rampage that can only be described as awesome! The Fabs have now captured that moment in song and are sharing it with the world. CAUTION: There is a lot of ranting and strong lanuage used. It is definitely Not Safe For Work...hell, it's probably not even safe for the home. Check it out at www.myspace.com/thefabulousjps

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow....I...listened to the whole song right....I want their CD so bad.

My favorite part is "I gave it to her for a second, and she took it!"