Monday, August 28, 2006

Songs You Should Know - Click to find out

Aight, I read today that the dude suspected of killing JonBenet Ramsey they flew over from Bangkok was released. Funny how they had that guy pegged as the killer before he even left the Bangkok airport. I read about the outrage because the killer was flying back first class and how dare he dine on prawns! There were articles about how this case could finally be closed since they had found the killer. He had to be the killer right? Shoot, the only thing they had on him was that he was creepy as fuck! Now I'm not going to make light of any type of murder. What I will shout out and rant about is how the media frenzy will snowball and convict mofo's before they even get to trial.

Now I experienced the media bullshit when I was up in Massachusetts in the late 80's. The Boston newsmedia had all but convicted some black dude for shooting a pregnant white woman and critically injuring her husband in what seemed to be a carjack while the couple was on their way back from birthing class. I can even remember People Magazine doing an article on the loving husband who had suffered so much from the loss. The media had jumped on this as THE story of rampant urban crime. The story stayed the hot topic for months. The suspect swore his innocence but it was drowned out by bullet points that were too easy to exploit: White couple, pregnant wife, black neighborhood, husband identified the black guy as the shooter, racially motivated shooting.

Then I heard it on the radio, the mother f'n husband jumped off the Tobin Bridge. I didn't even have to hear the rest...the husband was the killer. Later it was revealed that it was all for insurance money and that he had been cheating on his wife and the police were getting a little too suspicious. Still, he almost got away with murder and the trifilin' ass media made it all too easy for him. Since then I learned to stay away from the media rush to judgement. But hey, don't just take my word for it, hear the same story from the street poetry of renowned social critic...Marky Mark? Word, pLaya! And the Funky Bunch too, no doubt!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Paj, I hate the media too!
especially internet blogs. I mean who are these people to tell me what they think about things they know nothing about!

And I bet if I search youtube i'll find a marky mark video where he agrees with me.

Paj said...

My brother, no one drives a point home like Marky Mark. When I find myself in times of doubt, I ask myself, WWMMATFBD?

Anonymous said...

Strike three MF'er!!!!

You can run but you can't hide, babe.

Holla. Time we got it hooked back up.

Anonymous said...

Marky Mark makes me feel like even I could have street cred in the rap world. This could be your saving grace.


PatZ said...

dont forget demands for exclusive book and TV rights after he gets sentenced.

Jennifer said...

Aside from the Marky Mark bit.. Paj you know me and my whole media bit.. Man when you work the job that I do you actually grow to hate the media with a passion. Remind me to tell you about what happened at my job and to some co-workers of mine thanks to the loving media!! STUPID Mother F'ERS!!! Omg I feel the need to punch someone!!! Sorry Paj I went off on a vent there for a minute.. but besides that... Marky Mark?? WTH!! Bring on the OJ!!!

Anonymous said...

This is rediculous.
Everywhere we turn the media is there trying to bring themselves up and somebody else down all in the name of "the news."
Sometimes when I turn on my TV for a little entertainment I don't want to see racial steriotyping (I'm looking at you Survivor), I don't want to see somebody's good name dragged through the mud based on no proof whatsoever.
But the media doesn't give me that. Luckily I can always fall back on music to give me a welcoming drug free environment.


Paj said...

I'm telling you...WWMMATFBD is how you should roll, sucka!

Anonymous said...

OH its how I roll.
I got me two rings yo, one says WWMMA the other says TFBD

You know what it says when I slam my fists together with pride?

thats right, everyone knows how I roll.

Paj said...

Do you pound the potato with those rings on? Suckas gots ta know!