Thursday, July 27, 2006

So You Think You Can Dance - Top 8 Results Show (I H8 this show!!!)

I just got in to catch the results show. My DVR only caught the first four minutes of the episode so I can't do a full recap, but what does it matter now because ALLISON WAS ELIMINATED!!!! I can't f'n believe this.

I hate this show now. Seriously, she was my favorite by FAR of the remaining dancers and is the only dancer on the show I would actually pay to see dance...somehow that just sounded so inappropriate...

My sister tried to explain it to me like this. "All the girls who love Ivan, hate that B!" I guess that's as good a reason as any. This show sucks now! Maybe next week I'll go "Hassle" the "Hoff" (don't get me started on that shithead)

I haven't been this disappointed in a reality show since Tamyra Grey was eliminated in favor of Nikki McKibbin! Hate you so much right now Ameriker!!!

Oh yeah Ryan was eliminated too. I don't have a screenshot but just imagine him showing you his taint.

I will now play my own personal goodbye montage to Allison in my head, to ABBA's "Dancing Queen"



Anonymous said...

Um...I'm sorry?

Paj said...

Not accepting condolences...still not over it...stupid show

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD!!! Now we can be spared of all the annoying Allison hype and Paj gushing that was undeserving from the get go. Sucka!


Nicole Leonard said...

Hey, I totally agree. Allison was my fave too and I was literally speechless when she was eliminated. If I used curse words I'd have spewed a whole lot of them at my TV that night. :) Well, we'll just have to suffer through the rest of the show and hope that at least Heidi wins...