Saturday, September 30, 2006

Grey's Anatomy: Decision Time?

Within the opening scenes of this episode, we've cleared through most of the remaining video music scenes and learn that:
1. Meredith will flip a coin at the end of the show
2. Christina is busted mounting Burke as his parents walk in
3. Addison and the Chief's marriages are crumbling at equal rates and
4. Dr. Husky is once again the least bitchy person on the show when she claims the panties on the bulletin board. Because clearly, she and Mere-waif wear the same size draws.

The episode officially begins with Bailey's stern warning to the interns not to embarrass her that day. Fat chance. Even as their little hallway pow-wow is breaking up, Burke's "Momma" starts accusing Christina of being a racist as well as a stripper. Before she can run away, however, McDreamy shows up and agrees that Christina and Momma Burke should have coffee. This should be interesting. Pretty much the outcome of this conversation is that Christina is a selfish person, and that two people as selfish as Burke and Christina will never make it.

Meanwhile, McDreamy follows Meredith into a stairwell where he swears he's leaving Addison no matter what, just as soon as she actually shows up for work that day. They begin one of their longing, almost kissing moments but are conveniently interrupted by Dr. Husky stopping by to return Mer's undies. McDreamy then decides to go find his soon-to-be-ex-wife, and learns that not only is she taking the day off "for drinking", but that it's because she found Meredith's panties in his tux pocket. Ah-hah, I've been wondering how Addie got her hands on those. Undaunted in his desire to completely crush her heart, however, he runs off to tell her the marriage is over.

And what patients do we have on tap today? Well, Bob, behind door number 1 we have a young man with a brain tumor that leaves him completely unable to filter his commentary. So throughout the show we have a running banter of honest and often insulting remarks. Behind door number 2 is an utterly sympathetic young woman who has never smoked, doesn't eat sweets, exercises and did I mention never smoked? You guessed it--she's got lung cancer. (Paj, you should not take a lesson from this.) Wouldn't that lesson be even if I never smoked I could still get lung cancer? -Paj Well, she's trying to experience life through as many baked goods as possible before her 3:00 surgery.

Anyway, George believes that the waif panties actually ARE Dr. Husky's and becomes very interested and jealous. Husky is enjoying the attention, so she keeps up the charade.

Suddenly the patient behind door number 3 arrives, impaled on a tree. Nuf said.

Meredith has just about decided to get with McDreamy because "he's McDreamy" when McVet stops by to bring Izzy lunch as she mourns at home. Did I mention that Izzy is making muffins? Lots and lots of muffins. Unfortunately Izzy has stepped out for a bit, so the Vet takes advantage of an empty house and smooches Meredith up against a wall before leaving her all steamed up to consider her decision.

Izzy has brought a few baskets of her muffins to the bar, where she runs into drunk Addison in her bucket hat. George continues to obsess about the panties, while Meredith waffles and Christina tries to justify her selfishness.

Lung cancer lady decides to skip surgery and live a little outside the hospital, while patients 1 and 3 go into surgery. As we go to commercial, both are flatline.

When we return everyone convenes in the bar. Addison goes home wasted in a cab. After Meredith decides to be impulsive like her brain tumor patient and base her decision on the flip of a coin, Christina lets her know that the patient died.

Bailey notices the tree-boy's father having a drink nearby, lamenting that he went soft on his son and that's why he got hurt. We learn that the boy will survive, however. Lung cancer lady is getting drunk with Alex, who may finally have given up asking Bailey to re-hire Izzy. After a few drinks and determining that they are both single, she invites Alex to follow her to the restroom to "fulfill a dying woman's wish." Oh my gawd! He's actually going to do it! Holy hypocrisy, Batman! Back at Seattle Grace, the Chief busts Dr. Husky underwear-dancing in her creepy hospital basement apartment.

Wrap-up begins...
...and it's decision time. McVet and McDreamy arrive at the bar, where Meredith decides that they both owe her at least a month of free dinner and movie dates before she decides. Hey, a girl's gotta eat, right? They agree.

As the Chief tells Husky she has to move out, George walks in and the jealousy hits a new peak. Alex and Bailey reach a respectful understanding, and Lung cancer decides (in her post-coital high) to go back for the surgery.

Christina almost lets Momma Burke win, but gets an encouraging word from Daddy Burke telling her to hang in there.

George and Izzy make up when she confesses that the the undies weren't hers after all.

Bailey comes to see Izzy and apologizes for going soft when she needed to be a hardass the most. She asks Izzy to come back to work.

McDreamy goes to see Addison at her hotel, where he apologizes for the panties and (I think) for screwing Meredith at the prom. They agree the marriage is over and, as he laments how sad the end is, the bathroom door opens and out walks a very hot man wrapping a towel around his waist. It must be...I think it's...

AAAAAHHH! McTiVo has decided that the episode is over, leaving ME all hot and bothered up against the wall!

Bastard Cable People.


Paj said...

So you missed McSteamy and Derricks stupid look of absolvence at the end of the episode? Makes me wanna puke! I thought it was funny that Addy spent all day drinking waiting for her penis to fly in from New York.

I nearly shit myself when I saw Richard Roundtree! Shaft is Burke's DAD?!?!?!?! That Burke is a BAAAADDD (Shut your mouth) I'm just talkin' bout Son of Shaft. No wonder Burke's Mommma was so perceptive. Her husband's a complicated man and no one understands him but his woman...TV God's please let Burke respond to Cristina saying "I love you" with an "I know, baby" with his Pops in the background nodding in approval!!!

Are we to believe that George could mistake Dr. Husky's panities for Mer's?

The only thing that can save the show from causing me agonizing pain is for McDreamy and Robin the Vet Wonder to have a fistfight, preferrably in tuxedos.

Oh yeah and Rizzle, I believe the phrase is "Hos gotta eat too!"

Thanks again for trading.

Anonymous said...

There is no way McDreamy could win a fistfight against someone trained by BATMAN!

But it would be nice to see ;)