Tuesday, September 19, 2006

White and Nerdy!

I have a confession to make...I was a HAYOOGE Weird Al Fan in my younger days. I had every single album from the self titled debut to "Off the Deep End" with "Smells Like Nirvana". I've done air guitar to "One More Minute With You", I've seen UHF more than once (SUPPLIES!) and I even was a fan of his short lived children's show.

I hadn't followed him much in the last ten years or so, but I do have "All About the Pentiums" on my iPod and I never skip past it on shuffle. Anyway, I thought that's how his humour had worked best lately, mixing geek humour and hip hop. Anyway, I caught wind of his latest video. "White and Nerdy" which parodies Chamillionaire's Ridin' Dirty. You should check out the video here at Weird Al's Myspace page


Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of Weird Al too!!!
Its almost like we are sisters.

Yea I think his raps are great but in everything Al does (or at least his more recent stuff) he does his best to sound like the artist he is imitating.

Listen to his illegal song "You're Pitiful" its hilarous.

Guess who's birthday his new CD is released on ;)

Fyre said...

That's freakin' hilarious!!!

But why does it remind me of two guys who kept wanting to play gangasta rap while rollin' in a minivan in Florida?